Tmura’s primary focus is in the area of education and other youth-related projects that help bridge gaps in Israeli society. Tmura prefers to contribute to projects where it will have an impact and where our involvement is an important contributor to getting a project off the ground.
In order to be considered for funding, applicants must meet the following criteria:
The organization is recognized as a public institution for purposes of donations as per section 46 of the Income Tax Code.
The organization operates according to the law and in accordance with its by-laws.
The organization complies with principles of non-discrimination.
לעמותה יש הכרה כמוסד ציבורי לעניין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה
העמותה מתנהלת על פי דרישות החוק ובהתאם לתקנון העמותה
העמותה מקיימת עקרונות של המנעות מאפלייה
To be considered for support, organizations must first submit a Letter of Inquiry to Tmura. The letter should not exceed three pages in length and should include the following:
A brief summary of the mission, history, and goals of your organization
A summary of the goals and specific activities to be supported by the Tmura grant. Please describe the population(s) you intend to serve.
A description of the outcomes you intend to achieve and how you will know if your program is successful.
A summary of the qualifications of the person in charge of the activities to be supported by the Tmura grant. (We encourage you to attach a bio or resume if you have one.)
Budget and staff figures: a) grant amount requested from Tmura; b) projected program or project budget for next fiscal year; c) projected organization budget for the next fiscal year; d) total amount your organization spent for most recent fiscal year; e) other funding sources; f) total staff size.
Names of 2 – 3 references and their contact information.
Letters of Inquiry may be submitted in Hebrew.
Together with the Letter of Inquiry, please include the following documents with your application:
Certificates testifying to the legal status of the organization: certificate of registration, approval as a non-profit organization from the VAT authority, approval of exemption from deducting tax at source, approval of books and records as per the law.
Approval of recognition as a public institution for purposes of donations as per section 46 of the Income Tax Code.
Approval of proper administration from the Registrar of Non-Profit Organizations.
The organizations by-laws.
Audited financial statements for the most recent year.
A list of the organization’s board members.
Approved budget for the current year.
:תעודות המעידות על המעמד החוקי של הארגון
תעודה לרישום עמותה-
אישור מלכ”ר ממע”מ-
אישור על פטור ניכוי מס במקור-
אישור ניהול פנקסים כחוק-
אישור על הכרה כמוסד ציבורי לעניין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה-
אישור ניהול תקין של רשם העמותות בתוקף-
תקנון העמותה-
דו”ח כספי מבוקר לשנה האחרונה-
רשימת חברי וועד המנהל-
תקציב מאושר לשנה הנוכחית-
Please note that Tmura’s grants are made in two installments, with the second installment being transferred to the grantee upon the accomplishment of a pre-defined milestone. At the time of the second installment, all eligibility criteria and documentation listed above must still be in effect.
Please note that only those applications that include the Letter of Inquiry together with all of the above-requested documents will be reviewed.
Tmura will acknowledge receipt of applications, and following review, will contact selected applicants with next steps. Tmura’s Grants Committee will evaluate potential recipients and make grant recommendation to the Board of Directors. Final funding decisions and grant amounts are determined by Tmura’s Board of Directors and are also dependent on funds available for disbursement.
Applications may be sent to:
c/o Gross Kleinhendler
1 Azrieli Center
Tel Aviv 67021
Companies that donate options to Tmura are welcome to earmark proceeds from their successful exit to the amuta/amutot of their choice. If your amuta has relationships in the high-tech industry – if your members, supporters, directors, etc. are involved with tech companies as founders, employees, investors, directors, etc. – you are welcome (encouraged!) to reach out and ask them to consider allocating options to Tmura, and to earmark part or all of the future exit proceeds for your amuta. We simply require that at the time of exit, your 46a status and nihul takin are valid.
To make this easier for you, here is some language you may want to use in an email, newsletter, etc.:
“Here’s a unique way for you to support our amuta. If you are involved with any tech companies – as founders, employees, investors, directors, etc. – please consider encouraging the company to donate stock options to Tmura (, with instructions to donate potential proceeds from a successful exit to [name of amuta]. Tmura has been doing this since 2002 and has received donations of options from hundreds of companies. We would be happy to connect you with Baruch Lipner, Tmura’s Executive Director, who can quickly walk you through the process.”